One for All Forest School CICA Forest School for Neurodivergent Folk
One for All Forest School’s mission is to make Forest School an inclusive and therapeutic space for neurodivergent folk. We recognize that the outdoors can be a fantastic place for people to explore, learn, grow, relax, self-regulate, and connect over shared expereinces.
We work toward making nature accessible for all by considering individual needs. We recognize that play is an essential part of humanity and strive to provide a holistic learning experience with a focus on play – in whatever way "play" means for you.
We are planning on running 4 rounds of 6-week courses from June through August 2025. All courss will take place at the Bevendean Community Garden BN24FH and we are looking to offer 2 blocks of sessions Wednesday afternoons 3-5 PM and 2 blocks of sessions Wednesday evenings 6-8 PM. Please visit the Sign-Up Information page and fill out the Contract for 6-Week Summer Course form to sign up!
Joining a 6 week course means you get access to a One for All Forest School learning journal where you can keep notes about the skills you’ve learned, have space to journal or make art, store resources provided during the course, and set and track goals across the 6 holistic domains of learning (physical, intellectual, emotional, communication, spriitual, and social.
We have a variety of activities on offer each week depending on what you as participants say you’re interested in. We almost always have a fire and tea as well as books, hammocks, and some kind of art or craft. Examples of other activities we have offered include knot tying, natural rope making, whittling, apple pressing, outdoor cooking, and foraging.
Cost: This year (summer 2025), we are pleased to offer 15 spaces per course at £5 per session. We ask that this is paid up front for the block of 6 sessions as a one off payment of £30 for the 6-week summer sessions. If you are receiving state benefits we can offer you a concessionary rate of £15 for the 6-Week course. We never want cost to be a barrier to accessing Forest School, so please get in touch about no-cost spaces which we may be able to offer thanks to some of our generous participants paying it forward. If you think you may struggle to pay the amount up front please get in touch as we will do our best to work out a plan that works for you.
One for All Forest School Workshops
From September 2024, we are running Forest School taster workshops. Please keep a look out for the dates on social media or contact us if you would like us to keep you updated. Our hope is that by accessing Forest School workshops, you will feel curious and excited about joining future 6-week courses.
At One for All Forest School’s Workshops you will have opportunities to learn bush craft skills, experience a therapeutic environment that facilitates connection with yourself, others and nature, enjoy multiple nature activity spaces, and relax around the fire with tea. We encourage participants to participate in activities as much or as little as they feel able. Some participants enjoy quiet time in the hammocks or under tarp shelter while others enjoy learning bush craft skills or making crafts, and many enjoy socializing around the fire. There is no pressure to engage with everything on offer and the focus is on participants choosing what activity feels right for them at the time.
Location of workshops will vary by month. We aim to host workshops across the city so that we can reach as many communities as possible.
Mushroom Log Workshop Monday September 2nd 2024 6-8 PM
Come along and make shitaki or oyster mushroom logs to take home with you which will produce tasty mushrooms for a few years! Logs are suitable to keep in the garden, on a balcony, or even in a shallow tray of water in your flat. We will be using battery powered drills, fresh oak logs, mushroom dowels, and beeswax. Materials are supplied by Caley Bros. Mushrooms and Sussex Timber Co.
Tree Craft and Lore Workshop Sunday October 6th 2024 2-4 PM
Celebrate the beauty and wonder of the trees around us with tree craft and lore. Activities on offer will include tree crafts such as making wax leaf bunting and weaving frames. We will also have resources to learn about and identify different types of trees and the magic and lore behind them. Quiet space with hammocks and books will be available.
Fire and Folklore Workshops Sunday Noveber 3rd 2024 2-4 PM
Come enjoy the warming fire as we cosy up and share space and stories. We will have opportunities to learn skills around firelighting and outdoor cooking. We will enjoy foraged and prepared teas. We will hold space and resources for storytelling and folklore. Usual forest school activities such as hammocks and crafts will also be available.
Winter Decorations Workshop Sunday December 1st 2024 2-4 PM
We will have materials and set up for making a variety of winter decorations. This may include wreaths, clay decorations, prints, and garlands. We will very likley have a fire and tea to keep warm. You will be able to learn about foraged materials and natural winter traditions.
Wassailing Workshop Sunday January 5th 2025 2-4 PM
Join us at the orchard as we go Wassailing and celebrate and thank the trees for the fruit they have given over the year. We will bring offerings for the trees to ensure a good harvest for the year. We will have a sampling of mulled wines and ciders and have instruments to encourage any singing, music making, or dancing any participants feel like engaging with.
Mystery and Magic Workshop Sunday February 9th 2025 2-4 PM
Come explore magic and wonder of the natural world as we set intentions for the Spring. We will have activities such as making herb incense bundles, making wands, and exploring the tarot and oracle decks. We will have herbal teas around the fire and share knowledge of herbalism.
Bee-Inspired Learning and Crafts Workshop Sunday March 2nd 2025 2-4 PM
Join along with bee themed crafts and projects. You will have opportinites to play games in the woods, make bee craft projects, enjoy some sensory activities, and learn about bees and pollinators and the plants they support.
Feathered Friends Learning Crafts and Play Workshop Sunday April 6th 2025 2-4 PM
For our last montly workshop before our 6 week courses begin again, we are are organizing a workshop around our birdy friends. Along with the usual forest school activities such as hammocks, tea, and art, we will have games pretending to be birds, learn about differnt birds and their songs, and make bird themed nature crafts such as nests and clay eggs.
Cost: Workshops may vary in cost depending on activities on offer and cost of materials. We offer sliding scale options in an attempt to make sessions accessible for everyone. The lowest end of the sliding scale is £5 and the upper end (depending on the workshop) would likely be £15 or £20. We will always tell you the cost of materials so that you can make an informed decision about what you are paying for. Of course, we are always happy to accept donations at your discretion. We are a community interest company which means that any additional donations goes right back into the company and making this as affordable and accessible for everyone as possible. The feedback that we have had from participants is that the value for money is incredible.
Forest School FAQs
Below are some common Forest School Frequently Asked Questions as well as some other information you might want to know about the Forest School experience. For more detailed informaiton, have a look through our handbook which can be found under the policies and documents page.
What is Forest School?
Forest School is a learner-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. - Forest School Association
What are the 6 Principles of Forest SChool?
1.Forest School is a long-term process
2.Forest School takes place in a natural wooded environment
3.Forest School aims to promote holistic development
4.Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks
5.Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners
6.Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes
-Forest School Association
What makes One for All Forest School different?
One for All Forest School is currently only for adults (18+). We focus on making an inclusive environment for people with neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, CPTSD, Tourette’s Syndrome, personality disorders, etc. We pay particular attention to supporting participants with sensory, social, and emotional regulation differences.
Who are the Forest School facilitaors?
Leah uses she/her pronouns. I am the founder and director of One for All. I am a qualified forest school leader and teacher. I also have experience as a disability social worker and as a family therapist. I have diagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed Autism. I am so excited to share the therapeutic benefits of being outdoors with you and the wonder of “play”. My favourite tree is an oak.
Kira uses she/her pronouns. I grew up in the Sussex countryside and have always felt a deep connection to nature and the outdoors. I joined One for All to help with the business side of things and now am excited to help run sessions and use my love of nature to help people reconnect with our planet and the outoodrs. My favourite flower is jasmine.
What would I do at Forest School?
At Forest School there is a focus on learning through play (whatever that means to you). You might want to cook, craft something, go on a nature walk, journal, meditate, use tools, sit around the fire, tell stories, make a shelter or den, use your imagination, learn bushcraft skills, draw something, socialize, and much more!
What do I wear at Forest School?
That depends on the weather. If it’s sunny you should bring a hat and suncream. If it’s rainy/wet you should bring waterproof clothing and boots. In the winter make sure to wear lots of layers as well as waterproofs. Don’t wear wellies in the winter - they’re not warm enough. Throughout the year you should wear comfortable clothing and close-toed shoes.
What if there’s bad weather?
Forest School usually runs rain or shine. If it’s cold, we might do an activity to warm up or gather around the fire. If it’s raining, we will put up tarps to shelter under or enjoy some games in the rain! Likewise, if it’s very warm and sunny we will find areas of shade to cool off. This is why it’s important to be properly dressed for Forest School. We do not have sessions if it’s very windy or if there’s threats of lightening, though. That wound’t be safe.
Where do we have Forest School?
We have had sessions at a few differnt sites. We were first welcomed at Moulsecoomb Place which is a nice open area off Lewes Road. We found a home at Hodshrove Woods deep in the middle of Moulsecoomb. We have also explored Bevendean Woods near the allotments as a potential site.
How is learning assessed?
At it’s heart, Forest School is learner-led. We work collaborativly with you to set goals and track your development across 6 holistic domains: social, phsyical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and communcation. We will provide you with a “Learning Journal” with prompts, activities, and self-assessments that you can chose from to track your learning and growth. As leaders, we will provide you with supportive and constructive feedback too.
How long is a Forest School session?
Forest School is a long-term programme so we ask that you try to commit to coming once a week for the 8 block of sessions. Sessions last 2 hours. The schedule for the sessions is fairly loose, but we try to start with Circle Time to welcome you and talk about any safety procedures, followed by free play time, and finally Together Time at the end to reflect and share together.
Using our Senses
What might I see at Forest School?
You will see lots of different things in the Forest School setting. You might see the different types of trees we have on site such as ash, hawthorne, and sycamore. Depending on the season you might see differnt types of creatures such as butterflies, birds, or squirrels. You might want to stand back and look at the site as a whole or get up close with a magnifying glass and study details. It’s all about perspective!
What might I hear at Forest School?
You’ll probably hear people chatting as they walk by and depending on the site, cars and buses as the drive by. But don’t let that distract you from the sounds of nature. If you listen, you’ll hear birds chirping, the breeze as it rustles the trees, and the crackling fire. You may even be able to identify the birds and other creatures you’ll hear. Storytelling is an important feature in Forest School so you might hear stories or songs.
What might I feel at Forest School?
You might feel the sun or the rain. You might feel warm or cold. You might feel “just right”. You might feel the grass underfoot or the breeze on your face. There’s lots of textures of differnt plants, materials, and creatures you might choose to explore. You might like that deep pressure and want to hug a tree or You might like other sensations and want to swing in the hammock. There’s something for everyone!
What might I taste at Forest School?
If we’re doing a cooking session, you’ll taste some wonderful things at Forest School! We might have some popcorn over the fire or some fruit for a snack. We might go on a little forage and use some of our harvest to make a snack. We have a general rule though - no pick-y, no lick-y. So unless you show the foraged goodie to at least 2 others who can confirm it’s edible, it’s best to primiarily use our other sesnses in Forest School.
What might I smell at Forest School?
Depending on the season, you might smell a variety of things. In the spring and summer you might smell flowering plants. In the autumn, you might be able to smell the change in the air as it cools down. You might even smell the rain. Did you know humans have a very good smell for rain? We can smell the bacteria in the soil that’s activated after rainfall. This was likely a benefit for our ancestors who could smell good, rich soil for farmable land.
6 Holistic Domains of Learning
What are the physical benefits of Forest School?
Working with tools and crafts in Forest School develops motor skills and coordination. Many activities in Forest School also promote physical wellbeing and help us develop our self-care skills. There is evidence to suggest that nature is a sensory regulating environment, and throughout the Forest School sessions you will be encouraged and supported to understand your sensory needs and preferences and activities that make you feel good in yourself!
What are the mental benefits of Forest School?
At Forest School, we understand the benefits of risk-taking and support you with calculating risks and developing your critical thinking skills. The activities you engage in will require you to build your concentration and perseverance which can be tricky things to develop in an age of instant gratification. These activities will also stimulate your creativity and imagination as well as deepen your knowledge of the natural world.
What are the emotional benefits of Forest School?
The activities and games you engage with in Forest School will help build your confidence, resilience, and ability to problem solve and cope with challenges. As we experiment and play, things might not always go the way we expect. Forest School gives us a safe and supportive place (in a naturally regulating environment) to explore those challenges and develop ways to emotionally regulate when things don’t go to plan.
What are the social benefits of Forest SChool?
Games and activities in Forest SChool give us opportunites to interact and socialize with each other. Participation and involvement can look different, depending on the person, but througout the sessions you will be building relationships with each other and with the Leaders. Part of the therapeutic nature of Forest SChool is the richness of those relationships, which is why we keep ratios and groups small.
What are the spiritual benefits of Forest School?
“Spiritual” means different things to different people. In forest school, we like to think of it as a sense of awe, wonder, and connection to nature. We might also think of within the context of our morals, values, and ethics. In Forest School, we think of “play” as a spiritual practice. “Play” is an important part of Forest School and essential for all humans - no matter their age. Play helps us feel that sense of awe and wonder and gives us opportunites to play out our morals and values.
What are the communication benefits of Forest School?
Forest School is a great space to develop communication tools and strategies - both verbal and non-verbal. During the sessions you will likely practice communication skills involving negotiaton and cooperation. We often play games and do activities that help us thoughtfully and deliberately use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to tune into each other, listen, and communicate effectively.
Important Info and Policies
Below you can find links to our important documents such as policies, procedures, and the One for All Forest School Handbook
Below is some lovely feedback we've received from some of our participants. We have also provided links to feedback forms about your experience at Forest School as well as a survey about your experienes with wellbeing in the outdoors. We appreciate any time you can give in providing this feedback as it support us to demonstrate to funders the importance of our service.
What brought you to One for All Forest School?
“Getting to be in nature. It’s something I love but find it can be hard to motivate myself. The group being aimed at neurodiverse adults and I like the name. (Usually) only hear of Forest School in relation to children.”
“I have heard of Forest School for kids and always thought it would be cool to learn more about the natural world and take safe risks. I also really appreciate the opportunity to be in touch with the seasons and to be with other neurodivergent adults.”
“I very recently discovered I was autistic and was looking to meet people I could relate to.”
“Time outside and in nature, a chance to be creative in an accepting group. It sounded inclusive and I know it’s good for me to try new things.”
Below are links to some resources you may find useful. We've included Open Access research articles, self-assessments, and other helpful resources for Neurodivergent folk.
This website has useful ADHD and Autism self-assessments
Please provide us with a little information about yourself!
Below you will find the links to sign up forms. One form takes you to the Contract (either for the 6 week course or the workshops) that allows us to provide you with a service. The other link takes you to the Supporting You Form where you can let us know how we can suport you with the most comfortable and enjoyable experience possible.
These forms usually take about 5 minutes each to complete. Please contact us if you would like to complete the forms on paper or need support with completing the forms.